• Illustration, follow up

    It’s been nearly two months that I’ve started working with my illustrator. I have to admit that the process is as exhilarating as it is stressing. Exhilarting because suddenly you see your words developping in front of your eyes and that’s a really strong feeling. Even more when the illustrations are beautiful. Stressing, because you’re the one in charge et you have to lead your illustrator in the direction you deem the best without crushing her creativity. I have to confess that sometimes I have found it difficult to know my place. Even more because I don’t know much, or to be completely honest, nothing about illustrations. But I do…

  • Choosing an illustrator

    There are lots of posts about how to choose an illustrator. The only thing I’ll do here is to tell you how I did it. Tell you about my failures and my success in the hope it’ll help you make the best-informed decision for you. So I’ve written three picture books. They’ve been professionally edited. So I know my text is the best it can be. Now I don’t know how to draw to save my life. I’ve stopped my capacities at about the age of nine. I’m the queen of stick characters but not much better. When I thought about hiring an illustrator, an option opened itself to me.…