Cooking with the kids: chocolate cake
If your kids are anything like mine, they love cooking and baking. It must be the authorized mess that appeal to them.
But if you’re like me, uber complicated recipes that last for hours, it’s boring. Or worse, recipes where something that you never ever have in your cupboard is required.
I like when it’s simple and good. Of course, because clearly if a beautiful cake that makes your mouth water ends up being dry and unsavory, this is just too much of a downer.
So here is the recipe of a chocolate fondant that is simply marvelous. It’s easy to do. If you whisk the egg white, it’s better, but you don’t even have to do that for you cake to be a success.
I’ve given it the name of the colleague who had passed it on to me.
The Graziella Cake
150g sugar Mix in bowl
3 eggs
180g dark chocolate melt
75 g butter add to melted chocolate
Add the chocolate/butter to the the sugar/edd mix
75g flour add to mix in a few scoops
1 pinch salt
There you go. Poor in a baking mold and put in a COLD oven, 180°, for 15-20 minutes. The tip of the knife should still be sticky, so the cake isn’t over cooked.
Option with the whisked egg white;
Mix the sugar and the egg yoke
Whisk the egg white
Add the egg white after the chocolate/butter
And you can have fun with the topping. Mine isn’t that much elaborate but always goes down well with the kids. So you know, this cake is THE birthday cake in our family.

Bon appétit!